+Credit Risk & Collateral Management.  We are well versed in fast setup of credit risk and collateral management functions.  This includes assistance with analyst candidate evaluation, in-depth yet timely counterparty                                     evaluation, policies and procedures, and quick deployment of                                     spreadsheet infrastructure followed by scaling and more                                                robust buildout to the target capability.  We have                                                     extensive experience dealing with internal and                                                             external counsel regarding the credit                                                                   aspects of trading documentation.  We                                                                          also have decades of experience                                                                             dealing with trading desks.

+Retail Gas and Power Resellers.  We possess years of practical experience evaluating and minimizing the risks associated with these Energy Services Companies. 

+Financing Facilities Analysis.  We evaluate the counterparty credit and liquidity risk implications of existing or proposed collateralized borrowing arrangement, and recommend strategies to adapt trading to facility constraints.

​​what we do at m^3 +R analytics

​+Liquidity. We can quickly deploy functional liquidity projection and management infrastructure and procedures, then customize to the desired level of capability.  Our proprietary engine is easily configurable & conforms to the specifics of your borrowing agreements.  It also provides analytics & handles your lender reporting needs.